- User XXXX not authorized to invoke Service Operation XXXXX. (158,536)
Solution: User account is locked. Go to
Peopletools>security>user profiles> enter username and unlock the
- IBMessage:setContent(). Message content is not a MimeMesage
Solution: This is because namespace is missing. The text
highlighted in red is an example of namespace.
msgbody =
"<IB_EXAMPLE xmlns=""http://xmlns.oracle.com/Enterprise/Tools/schemas/IB_EXAMPLE_REQ.V1"">"
Note: HttpListeningconnector works
fine if there is no namespace, however, PeoplesoftServiceListeningconnector
will not work.
- Component Interface saving error when going through the interface
There was an exceptions processing the message\nGetCompIntfc failed (0,0) MSGEXAMPLE.MSGEXAMPLE.OnExecute Name:UpdateStudent PCPC:23584 Statement:380
Called MSGEXAMPLE.MSGEXAMPLE.OnExecute Name:OnRequest Statement:20
Solution: This happens when the primary permission list is not
assigned to the user profile.
Go to Main Menu > PeopleTools > Security > User Profiles
For the user profile, under "General" Tab look for Permission lists and enter Primary and Row security.
- Unable to Decrypt Password
Solution: This occurs when a wrong listening connector is used.
- External Operation Name not found
Solution: This Occurs when HTTPS is missed and listening connector used has HTTP