
Custom Search

Adding Homepage Tabs

Adding Homepage Tabs
To add a new homepage tab:
  1. Select PeopleTools, Portal, Structure and Content.
  2. Click the Portal Objects link.
  3. Click the Homepage link.
  4. Click the Tabs link.
  5. Click the Add Content Reference link.

Creating Homepage Tabs
To create homepage tabs:
  1. Click the Add Content Reference link.
  2. Enter a name and label for the new tab.
Note. The label value appears as the homepage tab name.
  1. In the Usage Type field, select Homepage tab.
After selecting Homepage tab, the page refreshes to display two additional pages, the Tab Content and Tab Layout pages.
  1. In the Valid from date field, enter the date that you want the tab to first appear for your users. Optionally, enter a valid to date to remove the tab from use.
  2. Select the homepage tab attributes.
  3. Define the tab content and tab layout.
  1. Click the Save button.
  2. To view the newly defined tab, click Home to return to your homepage.
Rearranging the Tab Order
The sequence number determines the homepage tab order. The tabs appear with the lowest sequence number first. If any numbers are identical, then the order is alphanumeric. If no sequence numbers exist, the default is considered to be zero. For example, if no sequence numbers are entered, the default is zero, and the order is alphanumeric.
To rearrange the tab order:
  1. Select PeopleTools, Portal, Structure and Content.
  2. Click the Portal Objects link.
  3. Click the Homepage link.
  4. Click the Tabs link.
  5. Click the Edit link for each tab that you want to reorder.
  6. Enter a number in the Sequence field.
If caching is turned on for the portal, the tab order change does not take effect until the caching recycles or the web server is restarted.