
Custom Search

Adding Pop Select to your own processes

Here are the links to some documentation about Population Selection and how to integrate it into a custom process.

You can also check out the run control page for some of the PS delivered processes in CS:

·         Campus Community > Service Indicators > Person > Mass Assign
·         Student Financials > Charges and Payments > Group Processing > Mass Select Transactions
·         Records and Enrollment > Career and Program Information >Process Student Groups


Oracle over view on how to enable Pop Select in your own processes:

Example from a school that used it to build a process to assign advisors to students

Grade Change Audit Table Triggers

Grade Change Audit is done through table triggers. 

There's a bit of info on this Customer Connection article:

To turn on Grade Auditing, a SQL script just needs to be run against environment.

The grade audit one is called ssr_mss_grade_tr.sql. 

You'll also see a bunch of other scripts in there starting with ssr_ to audit other tables.

If any future auditing is needed, just run the appropriate script in that folder. Only run scripts that contain _mss_ (Microsoft SQL Server); the other scripts are for Oracle and DB2.

Altering a PS table?

You cannot directly create tables using SQL when you’re on a PeopleSoft system. 

PeopleSoft tables must be created using the create script generated by App Designer. 

If you try and do it manually, the table is assigned a different schema. 

Schema’s limit your results to only one user instead of all users.